Balsamic Vinegar Reduction

I use this on practically everything it has become a main staple in my kitchen and on my dining table. Its rich silky texture and savory caramel flavor finishes with just a hint of sweetness. Let your imagination run free with this sublime condiment. And, it’s fat and carb free!


Things you’ll need:
Sauce pan
1-8-12oz glass bottle or jar; you can use a plastic squeeze bottle as well


1-litre Balsamic Vinegar

Method: Pour vinegar into saucepan and place over high heat. Bring to a boil and reduce for approximately45min-1 hr or by ¾; if you start with a liter, you should end up with 8-10oz. The mixture should be thick and syrupy like molasses. Take care this is vinegar so when you’re reducing it try not to get too close while it’s on the stove, as the fumes will knock you over. Let cool. Using funnel pour into jar or bottle and store in a cool dry place, or refrigerate.