Hydrators are not only delicious and refreshing they’re rich in amino acids, enzymes, vitamins A, B and C, potassium, calcium and manganese. Their primary purpose is to rehydrate the body and flush the tissues of toxins and impurities, while stimulating cell renewal.
To make the Hydrators combine:
3 parts Spa water
1 part puree or fresh juice concentrate*
Pour over juice cubes.
Fat: 0
Vitamins & Minerals:
Fat: 0
Vitamins & Minerals:
You can prepare the hydrators ahead of time and freeze in ice cube trays, they'll keep indefinitely if stored in plastic bags; that is if you don’t use them all up first. I don’t suggest juicing more than you plan to freeze at one time since fresh juice is perishable and they lose a lot of the valuable nutrients if left in the refrigerator for more than 3 days.
Melons and Papayas are a puree rather than a juice because of their dense fibrous flesh. If after juicing you find the purees are not sweet enough; their sweetness depends on how ripe they are or if they’re out of season, to sweeten, add Stevia (natural sweetener, but DO NOT ADD SUGAR. The juices and purees are strong with a high concentration and should be diluted before consuming.
Amino Acids
Amino acids are the building blocks for protein. There are twenty-eight commonly known amino acids. Nine of these are called essential amino acids. These nine essential amino acids cannot be manufactured by the body and must be obtained from food, but can also be obtained from supplements. Amino acids are vital to vibrant health they’re utilized to make crucial substances within the body such as enzymes and hormones.
They also assist in making hemoglobin that carries oxygen through the body, and antibodies that are infection fighters that help the immune system.
Enzymes are proteins that act as catalysts to repair, cleanse, detoxify and renew at a cellular level. Enzymes are also needed to digest food.
-Melon: Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Honeydew
Extremely high in Vitamin A, B and C. Rich in beta- carotene (particuarlly cantaloupe), potassium and magnesium that naturally stabilize the body’s blood sugar levels. Melons contain a very good source of a carotenoid called lycopene. Medical research has proven that lycopene is highly efficient in preventing most types of cancer due to their anti-oxidant properties.
Considered a miracle fruit for their ability to lower fat and cholesterol in the blood stream along with enzymes to aid in digestion. They’re rich in calcium, Vitamin A and C which helps to heal and stimulate collagen; a primary protein found in skin and connective tissue. I use this delicious buttery fruit puree during the fast and cleanse. It is also the first solid food I eat to break my fast. Next to bananas, papayas are the easiest food for the body to digest.
-Coconut Water
Coconut water from young coconuts is truly life giving it maintains the human body’s natural fluid levels while it re-hydrates. Coconut water contains organic compounds possessing growth promoting properties by carrying nutrients and oxygen to cells.
In certain emergency cases, it has been injected intravenously as a blood plasma substitute because it is sterile, non heat producing preserving red blood cells and is readily accepted by the body. Coconut Water has no Cholesterol, is fat free and is naturally low in calories.
In certain emergency cases, it has been injected intravenously as a blood plasma substitute because it is sterile, non heat producing preserving red blood cells and is readily accepted by the body. Coconut Water has no Cholesterol, is fat free and is naturally low in calories.
Ginger Hydrators
Ginger root is indigenous to Asia and for centuries has been highly regarded for its medicinal properties as well as for its pungent flavor in food. Amongst its many benefits, it aids in digestion, is an anti inflammatory that is excellent for post operative dental surgery, and has been used to successfully treat those suffering from arthritis.
These tonics have been selected for their cleansing and curative properties.
Grapes are rich sources of vitamins A, C, B6, folate and essential minerals like potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and selenium. Grapes contain flavonoids that are powerful antioxidants reducing the damage caused by free radicals and the effects of slacken aging skin. Grapes are extremely cleansing for the digestive track and kidneys.
Grape Ginger
4-6lbs of grapes (Black or Red)
2 Limes peel removed*
1 small lemon peel removed*
2 Apple, seeds removed*
2” long slice x1“thick piece of Ginger
: Juice produce, dilute concentrate with Spa water.
A delicious tropical fruit loaded with vitamins and minerals offering numerous health benefits. Nutrients include vitamin C; a powerful antioxidant, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, calcium, potassium, and manganese; a trace mineral that promotes bone growth while it strengthens connective tissue. Pineapple is high in dietary fiber and low in fat and cholesterol.
Pineapple Ginger
1 Whole Pineapple skin removed
2 Limes peel removed*
1 small lemon peel removed*
2 Apple, seeds removed*
2” long slice x 1“thick piece of Ginger
: Juice produce, dilute concentrate with Spa water.
2” long slice x 1” thick piece of Ginger
: Juice produce, pour over juice cubes
* Apple seeds have trace elements of arsenic poison and should not be consumed. The peel on citrus fruit tends to impart a bitter flavor and is known to produce a toxic reaction when juiced; although the citrus zest from the peel is highly regarded in culinary circles, it is not recommended for juicing