Water is the continuum of life its earth’s most precious resource and one of nature’s most powerful forces. Its energy has been calibrated and harnessed by man for centuries, and its life giving properties are evident from the food we eat to the vibrant life force it sustains around us. Countless scholars of medicine throughout millenniums have purported the soothing and curative properties it provides.
Spa Water performs a double duty it's an Electrolyte water as well as containing Probiotics; a vital component to the protocol and should be consumed daily in addition to drinking plenty of fresh water. Spa Water not only keeps your system hydrated, it also maintains your body’s natural chemical balance and immune system as well.
When used in conjunction with the Hydrators, the Spa Water helps to stimulate and strengthen the overall matrix of the skin that over time, will add more firmness and elasticity to the skin providing a more youthful and radiant glow.
I drink a half to a full litre of the Spa Water mixed with juices and purees over juice cubes it’s delicious and refreshing with a lemony flavor much like lemonade. Making Spa Water is actually quite simple and requires virtually no work.
Spa Water
What You’ll Need: Makes 2-3 litres .
1 1/3 cup combination of red wheat berries & rye grains from a health food store.
2-3 litres of filtered water.
1 gal wide mouthed glass jar.
Rubber band
3-Lemons, limes and or oranges freshly juiced
1/3 cup Stevia natural sweetener or raw honey
1 tablespoon Himalayan Sea Salt Sole water (brine)**
1. Place grains in jar; pour the water in until it reaches 4” above grains, cover mouth of jar with cheesecloth, secure with rubber band, let stand for 24 hours.
2. The next day, drain water, DO NOT rinse grains, put grains back into glass jar, secure with cheesecloth and rubber band and lay on its side allowing grains to spread and distribute (45* angle) rotate periodical so grains don’t bunch together; the cheesecloth allows air to circulate while keeping any impurities from entering, allow to sprout for 2-3 days, without rinsing until the grains sprout 1 cm tails. **
3. When white sprout tails reach 1 cm, fill jar with purified water, cover with cheesecloth, secure, place on kitchen counter top where it can be exposed to at least 70 degree temp for 2-3 days.
4. Strain and reserve sprouts for one more batch.*
5. Add juice, sweetener, salt brine, and refrigerate. Water will keep refrigerated for several weeks
Pour and serve over pureed juice cubes.
1. after the initial fermentation, the water will have a slight yeasty aroma, which is fine. It is good practice to observe, smell and taste the water periodically to become accustomed to the changes that occur. It should have an acidic pH less than 3.9.
1. after the initial fermentation, the water will have a slight yeasty aroma, which is fine. It is good practice to observe, smell and taste the water periodically to become accustomed to the changes that occur. It should have an acidic pH less than 3.9.
2. If the culture has an off putting or putrid smell, then discard it, sterilize the jar and wait for cooler weather.
* For a second batch, add more water to grains and let stand for only 24 hrs and strain. Prepare as before, after which discard sprouts.
Himalayan salt possesses a vibrational energy that balances your meridian, unlike regular table salt that comes with additives, such as aluminium hydroxide, stearic acid, sodiumferrocyanide, and more--some of which can be toxic.
When ingested, the body recognizes highly refined salt as a poison and accumulates water in and around the cells to protect them from this invading substance putting the body in the position of having to spend a great deal of time in "elimination mode", rather than expending its energy on regeneration and renewal.
Sole Brine (pronounced sol-lay)
Amazingly, all the energy meridians of the body come into balance within 15 minutes of taking this brine, so it's a great way to start your morning. The word Sol is derived from the Latin meaning Sun.
A study conducted at the University of Graz in Austria found that people who drank water containing Himalayan crystal salt daily experienced improvement.
Scientific research reported the benefits of drinking Sole water:
- -Sleep quality
- -Concentration levels
- Aids in digestion and detoxification.
- -Energy
- -Brain activity
- -Weight loss
- -Nail and hair growth
- -Re-mineralizes the body with 80+ minerals and trace elements essential to health
- -Replenishes electrolytes and helps to balance the body's pH
- -Causes significantly positive changes in respiratory, circulatory, organ, connective tissue, and nervous system functions
¼ cup of ground Himalayan Salt
16oz filtered water
Dissolve in a glass jar with a lid. Use enough salt so that there is still salt visible on the bottom you want to create a saturated saline solution. Let stand 24 hrs
Sol Water
1tsp Brine
8 oz Filtered Water
Mix and drink this every morning on an empty stomach for six weeks or two months, stop for a while and start again.
Mix and drink this every morning on an empty stomach for six weeks or two months, stop for a while and start again.