Cleansing:The Real World

The real world is where we live, and fitting a juicing and cleansing program into your busy life can be a bit challenging at first, but the rewards far out weigh the challenges as you will soon see. Everyone has a schedule and depending upon your schedule and goals you decide the when, where and how that works best for you. The success or failure will be determined by the chosen time. The worst time to begin any new lifestyle change would be if you are under a tight time constraint to finish up a project at work, or you’re undergoing a stressful period in your personal life such as a divorce or heaven forbid, a death in the family. If that’s the case, then it’s best to wait until it’s a more opportune time for you to focus on your self.
Here are some common concerns:

·         ”I work full time and I’m married with children I don’t have time in my schedule for this program.”
As I stated earlier, your goals will determine whether or not this program is a good fit, but if the only impediment is one of adjustment and reorganizing your daily routine; due to being over extended, then I would suggest engaging your partner and family in assisting you as an added support system to lighten the load and free you up for some much needed ME time. This way the benefits of renewed vigor and well being that you’ll be experiencing will translate to a happier, healthier and more energized employee, partner, and parent.
Begin by substituting the sugary sodas, beverages and processed/pasteurized bottled juices that you have been serving, with fresh healthy and delicious tasting juice combination instead. I guarantee that it won’t belong before you’ve got them hooked. You’d be surprised how quickly they’ll adapt, and how well balanced and manageable they’ll become without all the sugar they’ve been ingesting. Not to mention, it’s a great way to get children and young adults; and the older ones too, to consume their daily allotment of vegetables.  

·         “I need to lose a lot of weight quickly how much weight can I lose juicing?
That depends on your weight loss goals, and where your starting point is, but if you’re looking for a quick fix or a miracle diet, then perhaps this program isn’t right for you. However, if you’re looking to reap the benefits mentioned on the Home page and you’re willing to put forth the investment of a little time, effort and organization, and the idea of a beautifully radiant and thinner more vivacious body appeals to you, then this is the right program for you.

Starting New Habits & Breaking Old Patterns:
We all have old habits and patterns we’d like to change or get rid of and January tends to mark that time of year when we toss out the old and ring in the new, although statistically, most New Years resolutions have a shelf life of about 2-3 weeks.
The reason, not everyone has the right tool box or support system. It takes 30 days to get rid of old habits and 30 days to start newer healthier patterns. At times breaking out of the old and embracing the new can seem daunting, but all it takes is a slight tweaking to nudge us across the threshold.

Start small and work your way up:
The key is to begin with baby steps. Remember what your mother told you:
“You have to learn how to crawl before you can walk, and you have to learn how to walk before you can run.” And while we’re on the subject of crawling, walking and running, integrating an exercise program is another key component not only to your success, but to your overall health and wellness. Use this period as the Pre-Cleanse:

·     Prepare a power smoothie in the morning instead of a cup of coffee; the smoothie provides more energy and last longer than coffee and you won't experience the nervousness and jitters associated with caffeine.
·     Pre-juice a Vegetable or Green drink and take it with you to work in a Thermos for a mid afternoon pick me up instead of reaching for coffee, soda or a sugary snacks to sustain you through the day.
·    Plan one full meal a day either for lunch or dinner
·    In the evenings go for a brisk walk, join a gym, or enroll in a yoga class
·    Treat yourself to a facial once a week, visit a Day Spa, or play a round of golf

-Health Benefits Of Exercise-
If the idea of lacing up a pair of Sketchers or putting on a jogging suit and heading out to the gym sounds unappealing, consider taking a Salsa or Ballroom dance class; you don’t have to have a partner to sign up there are usually plenty of able partners available at the dance studio. Make it fun!

·   Helps manage weight
·   Improves sleep cycle
·   Combats depression by releasing chemical hormones and endorphins in the brain while improving your mood
·   Puts the spark back in your sex life

Too often in our society we become sedentary, and as we age we become even more so, especially once we settle into our daily routines. The point is to become more physically active on a social level and step outside of your regular routine. Remember, when you give something up, whether it’s an old habit or a bad one, you need to replace it with something positive in order to successfully segue to the new and improved you!

After staying on the program for 30 days you’ll be amazed at the results, your friends, family and colleagues will start commenting on how great you look, and the spring in your step will return like a long lost friend. You’ll notice the difference in your mood and outlook too, both at home and at work, even your boss will begin noticing your improved productivity and demeanor. It’s a win, win.