Getting Started

Whether you’re trying to lose weight or improve the quality of your health, the most effective and successful way to start any new program is to set realistic attainable goals. Studies show that most diets fail within the first 3-5 days, and it takes 21 days to break out of old habits and introduce newer healthier patterns. The key is to keep it simple, just take it one day at a time. Remember, if you fall down, no problem, you can always get back up and start again. I highly recommend keeping a journal; it’s an excellent tool and provides a medium to externalize and monitor what you’re experiencing. Afterwards, you’re able to evaluate what worked and what didn’t. You’ll be surprised how quickly the time passes and how great you’ll begin to look and feel.

Before moving forward, I’d like to set the record straight: This is not a rapid weight loss program or miracle cure. Rather a means to heal and rejuvenate; weight loss is merely a bonus.

Prior to starting, I suggest reading through all the information provided to become thoroughly familiarize with the program. Each step is a key component to your overall success. It’s imperative not to skip or deviate from the core ingredients in the juices and smoothies they’re designed to off set hunger and cravings while hydrating and nurturing your body with protein, enzymes, carbohydrates, vitamins, amino acids and minerals.

You will be consumming foods either whole or in liquid form every 2-4 hours. Your average caloric intake will vary between 1000-1300 kcals per day. Each meal will consist of nutrient dense whole foods containing the proper macronutrient ratio: Protein/Carbs/Fat. As a side note, I highly recommend taking a daily multi-vitamin with additional calcium and vitamin D.

By this point, you should have weaned yourself off of all process packaged foods, refined sugars and starches. During the first phase of the protocol you will be abstaining from certain foods such as: Sugar, dairy, animal protein (except fish), and wheat/gluten products in order to detox and cleanse. At the same time you'll be reintroducing raw nutrient dense foods back into your diet. 
On a personal note, I most recently completed a 30 day cleanse prior to having dental surgery. At no time did I experience any side effects: hunger, headaches, dizziness, nausea, weakness or fatigue. In fact, I had so much energy I had to wear myself out at the gym, and the only side effect, I lost weight;
weight I wanted to lose…